What NOT to do while watching ' The Lord of the Rings'
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You know these guys... They have a new hairstyle every month, they wear t-shirts with slogans like "Via-Agra : Man's Greatest erection for a Woman" and the only thing they ever read is the "Whats Hot & Whats Not" section in stupid fashion magazines.
What NOT to do while in the theatre when watching "The Lord of the Rings"
- Stand up halfway through the movie and yell loudly, "Wait...where the hell is Harry Potter?"
- Block the entrance to the theater while screaming, "YOU.....SHALL NOT..... PASS!" - After the movie, say "Lucas could have done it better."
- Point and laugh whenever someone dies.
- Ask everyone around you if they think Gandalf went to Hogwarts.
- Finish off every one of Elrond's lines with "Mis..ter Anderson."
- When Aragorn is crowned king, stand up and at the top of your lungs sing, "And I did it.... MY way...!"
- Talk like Gollum all through the movie. At the end, bite off someone's finger and fall down the stairs.
- In TTT when the Ents decide to march to war, stand up and shout, "RUN FOREST, RUN!"
- Every time someone kills an Orc, yell: "That's what I'm Tolkien about!"
- When they go in the paths of the dead, wait for a tense moment and shout, "I see dead people!"